Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Jenny Ringo Video Diary 1...

So I did this around a week ago then debated over whether to post it or not. For some reason I thought doing a video diary would be easier than writing a blog post. It wasn't, and that seems obvious now. I almost didn't post it on account of realising I mumble too much, then decided if I didn't post it at all it would have been a complete waste of time. Also, if I'm ever going to learn to talk proper in front of a camera then I should probably put myself through such things...

If you can put up with me mumbling incoherently for three minutes there's a really short clip from the film at the end which I introduce really badly (I honestly thought I'd re-recorded that part but clearly not). It is supposed to be completely out of context - I don't want to give the whole film away right now. It is also ungraded and the sound hasn't been mixed so it's in a very rough state, but I figured I've been going on about this thing for so long now it seemed wrong to post a video diary without some proof that the film actually exists.

Anyway, here it is...

Also, I listened to the first version of the score last night. It's amazing and I'm really happy with it. Plus it's given me a bit of a boost seeing the film with music and it feels a lot closer to being finished now. I will do a proper post about the music at some point soon...


hels said...

That was hilarious; in the way intended I mean, editing wise - do more!

Blazing Modesty said...

I thought that was very cute... Probably not as it was intended.

Chris Regan said...

Thanks! Glad it's funny, it was intentional! It was probably a little bit intentionally cute too...