Thursday, 6 August 2009

On Phantasma-goria and being too busy...

Just checking in. I am still here.

Been busy as usual, although had some friends over at the weekend which meant I could be busy doing fun stuff like drinking too much, watching Shakma and visiting the magical realm of Undercliff. Other than that I've mostly been working on other peoples' scripts and trying to study for an exam for the day job, hence free time for blogging is limited.

The script I was going on about last week does appear to be properly finished for the time being and is now being sent to actors. If it gets officially announced and ends up on IMDB or something then I'll talk a bit more about it, but until then I'll keep quiet for fear of tempting fate.

As mentioned before I'm going to the Phantasma-goria Film Festival in Swindon this weekend. I wrote about last year's festival here, and I also wrote an article about it for Close-up Film which can be found here. If you're interested the full line-up of films can be found on their website.


Christopher said...

Glad your script is finished.

I am hoping to join you in that department in the next few weeks. Going through the last rewrite on my novel before I start sending it out to agents.

Writing it was eay. getting an agent will be much harder.

Ross Boyask said...

Gutted that I'm not going to Phantasmagoria, trying to get others to go though.

Chris Regan said...

C - Good luck with the agents! I could do with one of those.

R - Phantasmagoria was awesome. Brother Pete has started blogging about it.