Friday 11 April 2008

Accidental Holiday

Had a week of rest and celebration by mistake. Absolutely no writing done, but spent a lot of time in pubs and even watched a couple of films! This was partly due to a series of social engagements falling in the same week, but mainly because I'd spent two and half weeks doing nothing but writing and even though I told myself I'd move straight onto the next project it was never going to happen that way.

JC has got back to me about Hit the Big Time and loved it which is good, and a huge relief. He's going speak to director Helen and co-star/co-producer Jason and then send me all their notes together which makes sense. At least I don't have to worry about seeing them at the Ten Dead Men premiere next week now - I was worried that if they hated it I'd have to avoid speaking to them all day!

I mentioned paid work a while back - basically I'm putting German subtitles on The Penalty King:

...for the director Chris Cook who runs the excellent monthly Moviebar night at the Cornerstone pub in Brighton:

...which incidentally is one of the occasions I got very drunk this week - always a brilliant night and you get to see loads of cool short films too! Anyway, I won't go into too much detail about the subtitling as it's not really writing-related, but it is one of the main things I'm working on at the moment.

Luckily, I've got a bit of extra time! Unfortunately it's due to bad news. Phil (producer of Ten Dead Men) is no longer going to Cannes. Which means I don't need to get the Vicious Circle script done for May, but it also means the script isn't going to Cannes either. I'm still going to write it as I've done a lot of prep, but my deadline is going to be end of May now. It could also be the last project I work on for Phil and Modern Life. It's early days yet, but I've turned down an offer to write their next film, a horror film to be filmed this summer, as there was just no way I could do it with the work I've got on at the moment. And to be honest once I have cleared my slate a bit I want to concentrate on some of my own scripts for a while. I'm not ruling out working with Phil in the future, and the serial killer script may well be resurrected someday, but I've already advised him to start looking for other writers.

So not as busy as I thought. This weekend I need to run through the final cut of Ten Dead Men (which is amazing, by the way - the sound guys have done an excellent job and the colour correction is superb) to make sure the dreaded continuity script is still accurate. I don't think too much has changed so it should be fine. Then I need to get some Penalty King subtitles done before a meeting on Tuesday. And finally, and most importantly, I need to write the third and final draft of Dark Future for Glenn - a project I'm still really attached to but have been neglecting for a while. All that and I've got an insurance exam next week - I'm not even going to go into that here, but yes, the day job is starting to creep into the evenings, and probably needs beating back with a stick.

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