'The melting man nudged Django, clearly wondering why he wasn’t applauding like the rest of them. But Django was too busy staring at the floor beneath her feet, and the deep red blood that was dripping so frequently now the sawdust was no longer soaking it up. And he wondered if there would be clowns.'
Scared of the clown, make the clown go away.
Fer crying out LOUD! The clown is still HERE???
I'm afraid the clown doesn't leave until Part 3.
I'm just afraid of the clown.
Just as long as it doesn't start a mime act we'll all be fine.
Nice acting talent metaphor by the way. I know some very flabby performers who have forgotten they were once lean.
Cool, thanks. Probably a bit on the nose, but I'm enjoying doing everything you're not supposed to do in scriptwriting, which is partly what prompted me to do it in the first place.
Ooh, I don't think it's on the nose at all, I had to make a bit of a leap to decide that's what you meant, but then I make those leaps all the time and my decision is not infallible. Besides, part of the horror prose thing is to make those metaphors that obscure the terrible truths but not necessarily hide them. Film often enjoys it's eliptical nature, it doesn't turn off viewers, but eliptical fiction frequently does.
I'm glad you're enjoying the freedom of non-scripts, it shows in the writing.
Still with the clown???
Actually, that's his twin brother derek. Iv'e given the other one your address, he asked. That was okay right?
Make the clown go AWAY damn it!!!
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