Friday, 7 January 2011

Birthday scripts...

So it's 2am on a school night and I've just finished my first rewrite of the new year, which must mean it's my birthday. The last two years I've done pretty much exactly the same thing, as seen here and here (what's rather spooky is that in the 2010 entry I make a monkey's paw reference - I think I'd had the idea for my short by then but certainly hadn't decided to actually do it so it seems vaguely prophetic now).

I didn't mean to do it this year. I was supposed to get everything finished over Christmas. But things didn't work out that way - the day job went crazy and I ended up working loads more than any normal person should, I was ill, all our travelling plans got changed around due to smashed wing was still an awesome Christmas but nothing quite went according to plan.

Which means I finished the rewrite that I started on Boxing Day ten minutes ago. Now I've done this three years in a row I figure it either stops next year or I do it every year until the end of time from now on. Check back this time next year to see what happens!

Meanwhile, here's my slightly older face, complete with writing hat and 'I've not had enough sleep this week' expression...


Ross Boyask said...

You have a writing hat! I wondered what your totem of power was. I really want to wear the same clothes as the batshit crazy director from Singin' In The Rain when I next do directing stuff.

Chris Regan said...

I also have writing gloves...